Life After Obesity Surgery

Life After Obesity Surgery
Crop slender woman in oversized pants

Obesity has become an increasing health problem worldwide. For many people, diet and exercise alone may not be enough and bariatric surgery emerges as a solution. In this article, we will examine the successful weight loss stories of people who have undergone bariatric surgery and the changes in their lives after surgery.

What is Obesity Surgery?

Obesity surgery covers a range of surgical procedures to achieve weight loss in people who are overweight. The most common types of bariatric surgery are:

  1. Gastrik Bypass
  2. Sleeve Gastrectomy
  3. Adjustable Gastric Band

These surgeries enable the person to eat less and take in fewer calories, either by reducing the stomach capacity or by changing the digestive system.

Successful Weight Loss Stories

Aisha's Story: Step into a New Life

Ayşe was a 35-year-old primary school teacher and weighed 140 kilograms. She had tried various diets for years but could not get a permanent result. When her health problems started to increase, she decided to undergo bariatric surgery.

"After having sleeve gastrectomy surgery, my life changed completely," says Ayşe. "I lost 45 kilos in the first 6 months. Now, 2 years after the surgery, I have lost a total of 70 kilos."

Ayşe says that not only her physical appearance has improved, but also her general health. "I can now easily climb stairs, play games with my students, and my type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure have completely improved."

Mehmet's Transformation: Rebirth through Passion for Sports

Mehmet was a 42-year-old accountant and weighed 165 kilograms. After having gastric bypass surgery, his life changed completely.

"I lost 85 kilos in the first year after the surgery," Mehmet says. "But the real change came when I made sports a part of my life. Now I go jogging 4 days a week and I aim to run a marathon."

Mehmet emphasizes that he has not only lost weight, he has adopted a whole new lifestyle. "I now see eating as a pleasure, not an escape. Eating more consciously and healthily has become a way of life for me."

Zeynep's Journey: Self-confidence and Happiness

Zeynep was a young lawyer, 28 years old and weighed 120 kilograms. She had adjustable gastric band surgery and lost 50 kilos in 18 months.

"Losing weight is not only a physical change, but also an emotional journey," says Zeynep. "My self-confidence has increased, my social life has revitalized. Now when I look in the mirror, I see a happy and healthy woman."

Zeynep also shares the difficulties of the postoperative period: "At first it was difficult to adapt to new eating habits. But over time I embraced this new lifestyle and now I am much more energized and happy."

Life After Obesity Surgery: Things to Consider

Obesity surgery can be a life-changing experience for many people. However, for long-term success, it is important to pay attention to the postoperative process. Here are some important points that people who have undergone bariatric surgery should pay attention to:

  1. Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation: After bariatric surgery, the body's capacity to absorb some vitamins and minerals may decrease. Therefore, it is important to take appropriate supplements with the advice of a doctor.
  2. Vitamin ve Mineral Takviyesi: Obezite cerrahisi sonrası vücudun bazı vitamin ve mineralleri emme kapasitesi azalabilir. Bu nedenle, doktor tavsiyesiyle uygun takviyeleri almak önemlidir.
  3. Regular Exercise: Regular exercise is very important to support weight loss and maintain muscle mass. A good strategy is to start with low-impact exercises such as walking and swimming and increase the intensity over time.
  4. Regular Check-ups: Regular post-operative check-ups are very important to prevent possible complications and to manage the process in a healthy way.
  5. Regular Checkups: Ameliyat sonrası düzenli olarak doktor kontrollerine gitmek, olası komplikasyonları önlemek ve süreci sağlıklı bir şekilde yönetmek için çok önemlidir.

Secrets of Success

People who are successful after bariatric surgery have some common characteristics:

  1. Stability: It requires a strong determination to adapt to and sustain the new way of life.
  2. Support System: The support of family and friends is very important in this process.
  3. Education: Ongoing education on nutrition, exercise and general health is critical for long-term success.
  4. Patience The weight loss process can take time and sometimes there are plateau periods. It is important to be patient and stay motivated.
  5. Positive Thinking: Believing in yourself and developing a positive outlook helps a lot in overcoming difficulties.


For many people, bariatric surgery means a new beginning. The stories of Ayşe, Mehmet and Zeynep show that this surgery not only leads to weight loss, but also improves quality of life and creates new opportunities.

However, it should not be forgotten that bariatric surgery is not a magic wand. Success is directly related to the person's commitment to the postoperative process, adopting and maintaining their new lifestyle.

If you are struggling with obesity and are considering a surgical intervention, be sure to consult a health professional. It is very important to seek expert advice to determine the most appropriate treatment for you and to assess the potential risks.

Remember, every journey starts with a step. We wish you success on your journey to a healthy life!