Cataract Surgery Aftercare: A Comprehensive Guide

Cataract Surgery Aftercare: A Comprehensive Guide
A Woman Using an Eye Drops

Cataract surgery is a common and often successful surgical procedure that helps restore your vision. However, post-operative care is very important for the success of the surgery and the full recovery of your eye. This guide provides comprehensive information to help you through the post-cataract surgery care process.

First 24 Hours After Surgery

The period immediately after cataract surgery is the most critical stage of the healing process. Here are the things you should pay attention to during this period:

1. Eye Protection

  • Wear the eye shield or goggles you have been given to protect your operated eye.
  • Continue to wear the eye shield while sleeping (usually during the first week).

2. Use of medicines

  • Use eye drops and other medicines prescribed by your doctor exactly as directed.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly before using the medicines.

3. Physical Activity Restrictions

  • Avoid heavy lifting and bending.
  • Do not rub or apply pressure to your eye.
  • Avoid swimming, use of hot tubs or saunas.

4. Rest

  • Get enough rest for your eye to heal.
  • Limit activities such as watching television or reading books.

First Week

The first week after surgery is an important phase of the recovery process. During this period, you should pay attention to the following:

1. Eye Care

  • Do not wash your eye, but clean it as recommended by your doctor.
  • Avoid wearing eye makeup.
  • Avoid pool water, lake water and sea water.

2. Daily Activities

  • You can do light housework, but avoid heavy work.
  • Get your doctor's approval to drive.
  • Limit computer use and television viewing.

3. Outdoor Activities

  • Wear sunglasses when going outside.
  • Avoid windy and dusty environments.

4. Nutrition

  • Drink plenty of water and eat a healthy diet.
  • Limit alcohol consumption because it can slow down the healing process.

Week Two and After

From the second week onwards, most patients start to return to their normal activities. However, you should continue to take some precautions:

1. Physical Activity

  • With your doctor's approval, you can start light exercises.
  • Still be careful with heavy lifting and intense physical activity.

2. Eye Care

  • Continue to use eye drops (for as long as recommended by your doctor).
  • Consult your doctor before starting eye makeup.

3. Controls

  • Make sure you attend your regular check-up appointments.
  • Contact your doctor immediately if you notice any abnormal signs or symptoms.

Possible Complications and Symptoms

Although cataract surgery is generally safe, some complications can occur. If you notice any of the following symptoms, contact your doctor immediately:

  • Increased pain or discomfort
  • Vision loss or blurred vision
  • Increased redness
  • Hypersensitivity to light
  • Nausea or vomiting

Long Term Care

Even months or years after cataract surgery, you should continue to take care of your eye health:

1. Regular Eye Examinations

  • Do not skip your annual eye examinations.
  • Be checked for other eye diseases (e.g. glaucoma).

2. Healthy Lifestyle

  • Eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water.
  • Quit or reduce smoking.
  • Exercise regularly.

3. Eye Protection

  • Continue to wear sunglasses.
  • Take breaks from screen use to avoid eye strain.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long after the surgery can I return to my normal activities? You can usually return to most normal activities within 2-4 weeks, but this may vary for each patient. Follow your doctor's recommendations.
  2. When can I shower or wash my hair? You can usually shower or wash your hair 24 hours after surgery, but be careful not to get water in your eyes.
  3. Will I need to wear glasses after the surgery? This depends on the condition of your eye before surgery and the type of intraocular lens implanted. Some patients may need reading glasses.
  4. How long should I use eye drops after surgery? You will usually need to use eye drops for 4-6 weeks, but the exact duration may vary according to your doctor's recommendation.
  5. I have cataract in the other eye. How long should there be between the surgery of both eyes? Generally, 2-4 weeks are waited between two eye surgeries, but this period may vary depending on the patient's condition and the doctor's preference.


Post-cataract surgery care is critical to the success of the surgery and the full recovery of your eye. By following the recommendations in this guide and carefully following your doctor's instructions, you can increase your chances of achieving the best results.

Remember, each patient is unique and the healing process may differ from person to person. If you have any concerns or questions, always consult your doctor. When it comes to the health of your eyes, extreme caution is always the best approach.

Enjoy your new, clearer vision after cataract surgery, but do not neglect the care of your eyes. With a healthy lifestyle and regular eye examinations, you can have good vision for many years to come.